Cognitive processes and post-structuralism: some reflections based on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guatarri
Cognitive Processes, Post-Structuralism, Gilles Deleuze, Felix GuatarriAbstract
Post-structuralism can be defined as a complex and interdisciplinary movement of thought that sought to rethink many principles of structuralist theories. Its main objectives were to question the belief in reason and the progress of Science, to criticize the subject originating from the Enlightenment, to distance itself from metanarratives and essentialisms, and to refuse to think about the representation of reality that precedes language and is external to individuals. The Post-structuralist Movement is commonly linked to a diverse group of thinkers, including: Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-François Lyotard, Felix Guatarri, and Gilles Deleuze. Specifically, Guatarri and Deleuze, the object of interest of this text, bring important reflections regarding some dimensions immersed in cognitive processes, such as: the structure of knowledge, which according to these authors should not be based on a positivist and hierarchical vision, but rather on a rhizomatic and “deterritorialized” vision; thought and learning, which must be conceived in a decentralized, individual way and linked to the experiences of the subjects; and language, which needs to be understood as a historical-cultural “product”. In the context of these assertions, this article, which is based on a review of specific literature, aims to present discussions on some of these dimensions intertwined in cognitive processes, from a post-structuralist perspective, based on studies by Guattari and Deleuze.
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