Ensino; Língua portuguesa; Metodologia; Multilinguismo; AngolaAbstract
Portuguese is the only official language in Angola, although there are more than twenty languages of the Bantu and Khoisan group coexisting with several European and Asian languages. Since Portuguese is the mandatory language in education, it is necessary to reflect on how to teach in a multilingual context. The research discussed methodological paths that favor quality education and that really meets the Angolan reality. It is a bibliographic search that seeks readings that debate issues of linguistic variation and teaching didactics. The research showed how teacher education is important in the transmission of skills aiming at the quality of learning in Portuguese. Given the context in which Portuguese teaching and learning takes place in Angola, there is a lack of infrastructure conditions in addition to the lack of interaction between teacher, student, parents and the Ministry of Education. The existence of classes with Portuguese students like L1 and L2 makes teaching complex because the methodology and materials should be different. The interference of African languages in Portuguese requires a constant methodological update by the Portuguese teacher so that he can respond to the Angolan reality, challenging the complexity of the Angolan variety of Portuguese that is different from Portuguese in Portugal.
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