Ensino; Identidade do aluno; Língua portuguesa padrão; Preconceito linguístico; Variedades linguísticas.Abstract
This article aims to reflect how the teaching of linguistic variation occurs in the context of the classroom and how students recognize themselves from their linguistic identity. Therefore, it analyzes collections of textbooks that were under analysis for use in the triennium 2018-2020 by the state schools of Espirito Santo and uses a form of perception of language completed by students from the first year of a high school in Viana/ES in order to detect how Portuguese language teaching influences at the student's identity, especially in the school context. It seeks to defend a teaching that considers the linguistic varieties present in the classroom, which articulate the teaching of standard Portuguese, the appreciation and the respect to the different speech of students. Therefore, we used as theoretical strands, to support this article, the assumptions established by Sociolinguistics and Educational Sociolinguistics, based on the reflections of Weinreich, Labov and Herzog (2006 [1968]), Labov (2008 [1972]), Bortoni- Ricardo (2004 and 2005) and Bagno (2013).
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