Libras; Memória; Ensino Superior; Educação Inclusiva.Abstract
This article comes from a work carried out in the subject Identity, Space and Memory at PGCULT - Graduate Program in Culture and Society, which I attended through the exchange of the National Academic Cooperation Program-PROCAD/CAPES, a partnership between the Program of Postgraduate studies in Memory: Language and Society at the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB) and the PGCULT at the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA). The article was built through the analysis of how space and Assistive Technologies (AT) are related. It aims to understand how the space linked to Assistive Technologies can contribute to the curricular component of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture in education of the deaf, in the Licentiate course in Letters/Libras, and how this discipline can be represented in Libras for the inclusive context of higher education at the Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís campus. The theoretical references that guided this work were : Lévy (1999), Soares (1998); Shins (2011); Gesser (2009) and Raffestin (2010). The methodology adopted was Narrative Analysis, using semi-structured interviews and documental analysis of the course Letters/Libras at the aforementioned University as the data collection technique. The interviews were carried out with a professor from the permanent staff of the Letras/Libras course and a deaf student enrolled in the Licentiate Degree course in Letters/Libras at UFMA/Campus de São Luís. assistive technologies that can contribute to the expansion of communication skills and the resolution of functional difficulties in accessing higher education.
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