Pedagogical Imagination, Mathematics Education and Inclusion: in search of possibilities to Mathematics classes




Mathematics Education, Teacher Training, Geometry Teaching, Inclusive Education


This article approaches reflections regarding on the Pedagogical Imagination process, in which pre-service teachers imagined Mathematics classes in an inclusive perspective, while participating in a study group on Mathematics Education and Inclusion. This group was organized in two stages. The first was intended for readings and discussions on Inclusive Education. In the second moment, the participants imagined math classes from the perspective of inclusion, considering classrooms composed by at least one student with disability. In this example, the classes aimed to work on a geometry content with a class from the 2nd year of High School. The discussion about the Pedagogical Imagination process was based on descriptions of the imagined elements: the school, classrooms, students and classes. To compose these elements, they were based on the life experiences shared by each participant. The imagined classes had as characteristics the execution of investigative activities in groups and the interaction between the students. The Pedagogical Imagination made it possible for future teachers to think of ways for the mathematics classes to be more inclusive and to develop a more attentive and open look at differences.


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How to Cite

Lima, P. C. (2021). Pedagogical Imagination, Mathematics Education and Inclusion: in search of possibilities to Mathematics classes. INTERMATHS, 2(1), 121-137.


