



Speech, Writing, Digital genres, Spelling errors, Internetese


In this work, based on a reflection made in Meireles et al. (2018), we aim to analyze cases of spelling errors and internetese in comments posted on a social network. We seek to answer two questions here: (i) Which forms found in digital genres are characterized, on the one hand, as spelling errors and, on the other, as instances of internetese language? (ii) What motivates the occurrence of these spelling errors and internetese in digital genres? As a theoretical foundation, we are based on Bortoni-Ricardo (2005, 2006), Cagliari (2005), Freitag and Fonseca e Silva (2006), Komesu and Tenani (2009), Barbosa (2016) and Simão (2022), among others studies. From a methodological point of view, our research is descriptive and qualitative in nature. As a corpus, we used 14 texts (comments) belonging to the digital sphere, taken from the social network Instagram and produced in 2023. With the analysis, we showed a distinction between spelling errors resulting from the influence of speech on writing and the arbitrariness of writing (Bortoni-Ricardo, 2005, 2006) and the linguistic forms that refer to what has been called internetese (Freitag; Fonseca e Silva, 2006; Komesu; Tenani, 2009). Our results indicate that: (i) in the digital texts examined, there is a greater variety of spelling errors motivated by the transposition from orality to writing; (ii) regarding internetese, there are more cases of abbreviation due to some functional properties of digital genres.


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Author Biographies

Arielle da Silva Meireles, UNEB

She has a degree in Literature with a specialization in Portuguese Language and Literature from the State University of Bahia (UNEB - Campus XIV) (2023). She was a Fellow of the Pedagogical Residency Program (2017-2018) and an intern at the UNEB Library - Campus XIV (2019-2020). She worked as a Portuguese Language Teacher in Basic Education in the private school system in the municipality of Serrinha - Bahia (2014-2015). Currently, she is a visual artist, having created illustrations for three books in the area of ​​Literature.

Cristina dos Santos Carvalho, Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Vernacular Literature from the Federal University of Bahia (1992), a Bachelor's degree in Vernacular Literature from the Federal University of Bahia (1993), a Master's degree in Literature and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia (1997) and a PhD in Linguistics from the University State of Campinas (2004). Completed Post-Doctoral Internship at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in January 2018. Currently, she is Full Professor at the State University of Bahia and permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Language Studies ( PPGEL).He is leader of the Uses and Contexts of the Portuguese Language Research Group – GconPort (UNEB) He has experience in the area of ​​Literature, with an emphasis on Linguistics and Portuguese Language, working mainly on the following topics: linguistic variation and change, functionalism, complex sentences , grammaticalization and constructional approach to grammar.

Clécia da Silva Brandão, UNEB

She has a degree in Literature with a specialization in Portuguese Language and Literature from the State University of Bahia (UNEB - Campus XIV) (2021). She has a degree in Pedagogy from Unifahe - Faculty of Administration, Humanities and Exact Sciences. He was a Fellow of the Teaching Initiation Program (PIBID) (2016), the Pedagogical Residency Program (2017-2018) and the Scientific Initiation Program (2018-2019). She worked as a Portuguese Language Teacher in Basic Education in the private education network (2021-2022). She works as an Assistant Teacher of Early Childhood Education in the public school system in the municipality of Serrinha - Bahia.


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How to Cite

Meireles, A. da S., Carvalho, C. dos S., & Brandão, C. da S. (2024). WRITING IN DIGITAL GENRES: MOTIVATIONS FOR SPELLING ERRORS AND INTERNETESE IN COMMENTS ON THE SOCIAL NETWORK INSTAGRAM. Língu@ Nostr@, 12(1), 62-81. https://doi.org/10.22481/lnostra.v12i1.14680



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