Orality, reading and textual production in the perspective of dialogical review from the discursive genre song for 3rd year students of high school
Class proposal, Dialogism, Bakhtin Circle, Orality-reading-writingAbstract
In this article, carried out in the context of Applied Linguistics in the context of the mother tongue, we present a proposal for a class aimed at the 3rd year of high school, whose priority is to approach orality, reading and writing in a dialogic way so that everyone have the opportunity to participate in the construction of meaning of the text. Therefore, we aim to share a practical and contextualized alternative of teaching in the light of the conceptions of dialogic relationships, valuation and intonation present in the works of the Bakhtin Circle. For this activity, we propose the use of the discursive genre song and the work “O meu guri”, by Chico Buarque, as it allows the analysis of deep social themes when exploring its various possibilities of meaning that can be expressed through the orality- read-write. Throughout the five stages designed for the development of the activities that make up the lesson proposal in question, students will be able to: 1) read and interact with the lyrics of the song in different ways; 2) interact with the text through evaluation; 3) be directed to produce a text; 4) practice revision and rewriting; and 5) have their text returned to them with the teacher's comments for improvement. The planning of these stages focuses on the exploration of a discursive genre with the aim of implementing effective activities that enable students to move away from the position of simply repeating knowledge and begin a meaningful interaction with the text.
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