Didactic Engineering, Combinatorial Model, Theory of Didactic SituationsAbstract
This research portrays the most relevant data from an investigation based on the research methodology of Didactic Engineering together with the teaching methodology of the Theory of Didactic Situations. Aiming to address teaching strategies and theories for the study of History of Mathematics and sequences, we have a combinatorial interpretation of the Padovan sequence, guided by Didactic Engineering. Thus, an issue called problem situation is proposed and discussed, allowing an investigation around the Padovan numbers. protagonists of their own knowledge. The investigation may take place in initial training courses for Mathematics teachers, promoting a visualization and glimpse of Padovan's sequence in front of his combinatorial approach. Finally, it is concluded that the research provides resources for the repercussions and promotion of investigative scripts to occur in initial training courses for Mathematics teachers, within the scope of teaching the Padovan sequence.
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