Digital political leadership: Bolsonaro’s tweets




political representation, digital sphere, leadership, identities


This work focuses on an aspect related to political representation, particularly in the way in which Jair Bolsonaro built his identifying bond with his followers in the digital public sphere. Thus, its purpose lies in analyzing the construction of the link between the leader and the followers/adherents through the use and creation of messages that Bolsonaro made from his Twitter account, @jairbolsonaro, between 2021-2022. To collect the information and construct the corpus of tweets, web scraping was used using the SeoTools tool for Excel. The analysis of this information allowed us to report a research finding: political-digital leadership constituted the main type of political interaction between Bolsonaro and his followers. Furthermore, this type of political relationship occurred in a context marked by polarization and political incorrectness, elements that constituted the contour of the Brazilian physical-digital public sphere.


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Author Biographies

Sebastian Castro Rojas, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Doctor in Social Communication from the National University of Rosario. Master in Communication from the International University of Andalusia, Ibero-American Headquarters Santa María de La Rábida, Spain. Higher Diploma in Technology, Subjectivity and Politics, Latin American Council of Social Sciences, CLACSO. Graduate in Social Communication from the National University of Rosario. Professor of the Thesis Workshop and the Technological Convergence Elective, School of Social Communication, Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, National University of Rosario. Pedagogical Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Interactive Digital Communication, Secretary of Postgraduate and Research Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, National University of Rosario. Teacher of the Research Methodology and Project Workshop modules Master in Interactive Digital Communication, Secretary of Postgraduate and Research Faculty of Political Science and International Relations, National University of Rosario.

Esteban Iglesias, CONICET – Universidad Nacional de Rosario – Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Doctor in Political Science from the National University of Rosario. Master in Political Science from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, FLACSO. Independent Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET, of the Argentine Republic. Director of the School of Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the National University of Rosario. Full Professor of Political Sociology, School of Political Science of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the National University of Rosario.


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How to Cite

Castro Rojas, S., & Iglesias, E. (2024). Digital political leadership: Bolsonaro’s tweets. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 13(01), 288-307.