The construction of anti-racist education from a garantist perspective




Education, Garantism, Right


This paper analyzes the possibility of building anti-racist Education, considering the Luigi Ferrajoli's garantist perspective, specifying the discussion within the fundamental right to education in equal conditions. It aims to examine the legal text established in art. 205 of the Federal Constitution and in art. 76-A of Law n. 10.639/2003, considering the socio-legal character that covers the right to education. For the development of the research, the deductive approach was adopted, analysing general premises, for the in-depth discussion of the legislation, based on the literature review. Thus, the procedure method used follows the bibliographic and documental research, from the gathering of scientific texts and relevant legislation. In this context, it is understood that despite the legal and juridical advances, the path to the construction of an anti-racist education is paved with obstacles, especially those of political nature, hindering the access and effectiveness of educational policies in equality for all. Finally, we emphasize the need for academic and social debate on the subject and, gradually, the importance of interdisciplinary contributions to the expansion of knowledge about the indispensability of the construction of an Anti-racist Basic Education.


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How to Cite

Nunes dos Santos Freitas, K. (2024). The construction of anti-racist education from a garantist perspective. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 14(2), 186-196.