



A vida é bela, Figuração, Memória, Roberto Benigni


This article intends to comprehend the the conditions and possibilities that allowed the production of the movie A vida é bela, directed by Roberto Benigni. In this sense, this search proposes to analyze the trajectory of that author, raising the hypothesis that, when taking certain positions expressed in film production, the influence of learning structured by a web of relationships established by Benigni becomes evident. For this purpose, the filmmaker’s trajectory was traced, making him as the central elemento that concentrates all the articulated references of a memory of interpendences. Its about guiding the construction of memory that reveals itself like the inspiration in the creative processo of that movie.

Key words: A vida é bela. Figuration. Memory. Roberto Benigni.


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How to Cite

Sampaio, J. S. (2020). “A VIDA É BELA”, BY ROBERTO BENIGNI: A LEARNING PROCESS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 8(2), 41-56. https://doi.org/10.22481/rbba.v8i2.6277