


Teacher training, Interconnected model of teacher professional growth, Study plans


In this extract we present and describe the projected changes in the curricular structure for the faculties FCEyN-UNMdP, in the context of the process of accreditation in which the academic unit is inscribed. Among the different areas in which the proposal is structured, we focused on the Field of Practical Formation where the changes of greater significance are presented in relation to the current syllabus. We also present a device for the follow-up of formative developments in this Field, taking into account their insert in institutions of a given educational level. Finally, we exemplify the results of a broader investigation centered in the follow-up of a future Chemistry teacher.


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How to Cite

Basilisa García, M., & Cutrera, G. (2020). THE FIELD OF TEACHING INTERNSHIP IN INITIAL TRAINING. A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF A CURRICULAR PROPOSAL FOR NATURAL SCIENCES TEACHER TRAININGS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 9(02), 176-196.