



Capital letter, Panagyric, Rhetoric, Poetics


This paper aims at analysing the capital letter inserted in the poem entitled “panegyric to the Marquis of Marialva”, attributed to the Luso-Brazilian poet Manuel Botelho de Oliveira. In the analysis of the referred capital letter it will be considered its position in the book Música do Parnasso, in which several types of poetic and rhetorical texts are attributed to the artifice, such as sonnets, rounds, madrigals, romances, songs and tenths. This letter is a mark textual that indicates the beginning of a new book section – that of the poems composed in octave rhyme. It will be considered also how this particular capital letter relates itself to the panegyric, amplifying its sense.


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How to Cite

Moreira, M., & Santos Munizo, R. (2021). A CAPITAL LETTER AND THE PANEGYRIC GENRE. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 10(01), 155-165. https://doi.org/10.22481/rbba.v10i01.8818



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