



Characteristic Functions, Thermodynamic Cube, Teaching of Thermodynamics, S-Digraph representation


This article proposes a graphical-directed cubic model of Simple Systems (CALLEN, 1985, p. 9) in the representation of Entropy for Massieu's Characteristic Functions (BALIAN, 2017), articulated by Equations of State, having as reference the Correia Cube (2021b ) in the representation of Energy and based on Koenig's Octahedron (1972), Fox's Cuboctahedron (1976), Pate's Thermodynamic Cube (1999), Zhao's (2009) Mnemonic Schema, Venn's Thermodynamic Diagram, and Venn's Octahedron Kerr & Makosko (2011), in Pogliani's Graphs (2018) and in Kocik's Magic Cube (2018). The energy, per temperature unit, of the Equation of State comes from the product between two variables conjugated by the Coordinate Arrow that is in the same direction as the Edge Arrow that links the two Characteristic Functions. The fundamental equations of thermodynamic potentials reveal that the Entropy of a thermodynamic system is the ratio of its Thermal Energy to the Absolute Temperature. The aim of this model is to facilitate the elaboration of logical constructs and the understanding of the interdependence between the Potentials of Thermodynamics and establish a meaning for Thermodynamic Transformations.


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How to Cite

Jesús Correia, J. (2021). A S-DIGRAPH FOR THE MASSIEU’S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTIONS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 10(02), 365-389. https://doi.org/10.22481/rbba.v10i02.9684