Technique and culture: human doing and the process of constitution and apprehension of social reality
technology, culture, neoliberalism and educationAbstract
The objective of this article is to present the historical-cultural theory to discuss technique and culture as dimensions of human activity present in the apprehension of social reality. It is through his technical production that man constitutes himself and, therefore, builds his cultural universe. However, the process of technical rationalization was co-opted by the capitalist production system, in this sense the specialized development of techniques is debated by different disciplines of knowledge in which concepts of general knowledge and science will be analyzed. The rationality that has guided and led human life seeks to know the relationship between the understanding of pure science and applied science. And finally, we will reflect on the technological relations in society, the main challenges that are imposed on the human being and on a culture inserted in a context of global change in the network, culminating in said cooptation in societies marked by technological advances of all kinds, making culture and way in which individuals understand the world, imprisoned by market biases and the interests of capital. The immediate result was the rise of a predatory mentality that sees the other as a competitor to defeat and the environment as an opportunity to extract resources that will be turned into financial advantages, as if this attitude were the only way to be in the world.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Sara de Dias, Pedro Moreira da Silva Neto, Christopher Nascimento Santos

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