What does the curriculum for early early education want? An analytical management of curricular policy documents
curricular documents, child education, curriculum policyAbstract
In this investigation, an analysis of curricular documents for Early Childhood Education was carried out, namely, the National Curricular Reference for Early Childhood Education – RCNEI (1998), the National Curricular Guidelines for Early Childhood Education – DCNEI (2009), the National Common Curricular Base – BNCC (2017) and its discursive engendering constitutive of curricular policy. Such documents demarcated the context of Early Childhood Education by crossing their discourses and which do not carry within themselves a continuous line of their meanings, but reveal the continuities, ruptures, links and intertwinings of this curricular compound. When diagramming the curriculum policy through the documents, the RCNEI, the DCNEI and the BNCC, it was noticed that each one was prepared under the strong influence of the historical context. The knowledge that is discussed about children and their childhood from the RCNEI is the same that envisions Early Childhood Education as a preparatory stage for schooling. In the analysis of the DCNEI, the idea of Early Childhood Education is perceived as a stage that provides means to progress in work and subsequent studies. The BNCC, on the other hand, brings ruptures to the curriculum policy for Early Childhood Education, as what is in dispute in the curriculum is evident in the establishment of skills management and content fixation.
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