Between chants and backstrokes: responsible subversion in mathematics teaching through capoeira




capoeira, critical math education, decoloniality in teaching, ethomathematics, capoeira and mathematics


This is a work which is developed when one questions about the place that Mathematics occupies in schools: as a precursor or combatant of racism. We reflect on the ethnomathematics’ proposal and the important space that capoeira can occupy in the opposite direction to what happens in the so-called traditional education, to reformulate Mathematics classes in the light of the theoretical frameworks, which encompass decoloniality, ethnomathematics and critical mathematics education. From the interviews and reflections on the insertion of capoeira in the classroom, we can create a decolonial school space that involves the students. We expect that this research will contribute to expanding the reflections of mathematics teachers on their own educational practice, in addition to instigating the debate of racial issues in the teaching curricula in general.


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Author Biographies

Thais Guimarães de Oliveira, UFRJ

Mestre em Ensino de Matemática pela UFRJ. Professora de Matemática na Rede Municipal de Educação de Teresópolis. 

Rodrigo Fernandes Morais, UFRJ

Doutor em Ensino de Física pela UFRJ. Docente da Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Rio de Janeiro.

Antonio Carlos Fontes dos Santos, UFRJ

Doutor em Física pela PUC-RIO. Professor Titular do Instituto de Física da UFRJ Bolsista em Produtividade do CNPq, PQ1D.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, T. . G. de, Morais, R. F., & Santos, A. C. F. dos. (2023). Between chants and backstrokes: responsible subversion in mathematics teaching through capoeira. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-21.