Gene, Speeches, Classroom, Models of Genetic FunctionAbstract
This article analyzes the discourses on genes in the classroom, the councils and models of genetic function used in the discipline of Genetics II in the graduation of Biology from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) in the first semester of 2016. Scientifically and widely disclosed, they have been challenged by recent advances in the areas of Genetics, Molecular Biology and Genomics. Nessa researches two applied tests, at the end of the course will verify conceptual variations on genes not developing the course, as the objective of establishing relationships between the discourses on genes used but not on the discipline of genetics and the tests answered by students. The main results obtained show that there is a direct relationship between the discourses of genes used in the classroom and the questionnaires answered by some, showing that the classical molecular concept of gene and other controversial ideas are still quite present in the discourses of professors in the developing of the discipline Genetics II. The results found will suggest the need for inclusion, in scientific education, of a more up-to-date and epistemological approach based on respects of genes and the phenomena that challenge typical ideals to their respect.
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