(Auto)biographical narratives, (Auto) formacion, Specialized Educational Services, High Abilities/Giftedness, EmpowermentAbstract
This research aims to understand how the art of knowing and doing in the invention of everyday life contributes to the empowerment of a student with high abilities/giftedness (AH/S). It is a qualitative approach research. We used as an investigation method the (auto)biographical research through the narratives of a student with AH/S. The results indicate that the research subject appropriates, socializes, discusses, weaves and reflects the knowledge related to the contexts of (auto) formation, such as family (parents, sisters, cousins, grandparents); school (managers, pedagogical support, teachers, students); Regional Center for Special Education of Mossoró/RN - CREE-MOS (pedagogical team of special education, diversity and events); virtual (learned new and different knowledge); professional (in interaction with others and in different spaces); research (auto)biographical sessions with the researcher) and all this complex network of relationships that weave daily life and condition not only being a cognitive subject, but also a cultural, social and emotional subject that pulses, breathes, thinks and does. The narratives of the lived, experiences reveal their empowerment and provide reflections on how the inclusion of students with AH/S happens, based on a look at diversity, fundamental for the realization of democratic and emancipatory practices.
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