Indigenous School Education, Science Education, Chemistry teaching, Digital PlatformsAbstract
In a context of widespread use of mobile devices and social networks, even by traditional populations, this article presents the results of an exploratory research whose general objective was to investigate whether and how the discussion on science and chemistry teaching appears articulated to the indigenous school education in videos uploaded to the YouTube platform. We analyzed 36 videos presented on the platform by the relevance filter. Video content analysis was performed by emergent categorization. The categories analyzed were those that emerged in the “floating view”: channels in which the videos appeared, the subjects of speech and the content of the speeches. Although we found important speeches by indigenous intellectuals, most of the videos analyzed have non-indigenous people as subjects of speech. In general, there were few videos that present discussions that can be directly or indirectly related to the teaching of chemistry in the context of indigenous school education. Finally, we found that there still does not seem to be any channel available aimed at teaching science (and/or teaching chemistry) for secondary school students in indigenous education.
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