Digital technology, Textbook, Basic education, BahiaAbstract
This article aims to analyze the interfaces of activities in textbooks from the fifth year of Elementary School (Initial Years) with the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies - TDIC. The collection of books analyzed is composed of 06 works (Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Sciences, Geography, History and Arts), used in public schools of basic education, in a municipality in the countryside of Bahia. To this end, we adopted a research with a qualitative approach, of an exploratory and documentary kind. The data produced were analyzed from the perspective of content analysis, having as input Bardin (2011). The results reveal that textbooks present few suggestions for working with TDIC in the daily life of the classroom, specifically in Mathematics, History and Science books. Another aspect that we highlight is that there may be difficulties in carrying out the recommended activities, due to the absence of this discussion in the Reference Curriculum Document-DCRI of the municipality in question. We conclude that there is a gap regarding the exploration of TDIC in books and the proposed activities are incipient. In addition, the precariousness of the technology structure of schools is a situation that may compromise or limit the performance of activities with these interfaces, in the routine of school life.
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