National Engineering Curriculum Guidelines, Teaching Competencies, Flipped classroomAbstract
In view of the updating of the graduate's profile, the skills and competences provided for in the Engineering Curriculum Guidelines, and, together with the increase in the offer of Engineering courses in Brazil, it was necessary to think about training based on the use of active methodologies in the teaching process. This article, with a qualitative methodological approach, is developed with the general objective of understanding which teaching skills and competences are considered important for teachers, as well as the relationship between their development in the flipped classroom. A questionnaire was applied to eight professors of the Engineering courses, whose professionals teach in two units of the same private institution of Higher Education. Data analysis, from the semi-structured questions, were analyzed through the categorization and coding of qualitative data, proposed by Gibbs (2009). The guiding question of the research focuses on: according to the teachers' perception, which teaching skills are developed by the active methodology of the flipped classroom? As for the results, the teachers believe the following proposals are: leadership skills, planning, teamwork and autonomous learning, necessary for the teaching process, which can be developed through the inverted classroom method.
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