Childhood., Child education., Welfare., Right.Abstract
Children were not always the targets of care and protection, as it was previously thought that small human beings were miniature adults. However, the history of humanity is marked by transformations that impact the way of thinking and acting in society, which leads to changes in the way of life of individuals. In this way, we moved from a conception in which adults and children had no difference to the understanding of the specific needs that this stage of life presents. Including, understanding the importance of an institution outside the family scope for the care of individuals in the childhood stage. Thus, from a qualitative approach, this text aims to present an analysis of the emergence of the idea of childhood, of Early Childhood Education institutions in Brazil and the transformations that led to care from a welfare concept to the understanding of the child as a citizen. and access to institutions as a right. Finally, we consider that even with numerous advances today, Early Childhood Education, established as a right, still carries some challenges to be overcome
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