Walking with thermochemistry: exploring the potential of experimentation and playfulness in supervised internship classes
playfulness, experimentation, teaching of chemistryAbstract
This study aims to analyze the development of a didactic sequence incorporating experimentation and games in the classroom to enhance Thermochemistry education. Experimentation not only provides context but also encourages investigation and problem-solving. The playful element offers students an enjoyable approach to assimilate and review Thermochemistry concepts, stimulating their active participation in the learning process. In the context of the Supervised Internship in Chemistry II, a qualitative research was conducted through observations recorded in internship journals. The Textual Discursive Analysis of these journals resulted in analytical categories, highlighting the contributions of playfulness and experimentation to Thermochemistry education. The game not only aided in content retention but also familiarized students with unfamiliar terms, facilitating correlations in subsequent classes. Regarding experimentation, the active students participation fostered positive interaction, enabling an understanding of experiment reactions. In conclusion, the combination of experimentation and playful elements significantly contributes to content comprehension, active student engagement, and concept correlation, making the learning process more meaningful.
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