The chemistry of pesticides: a didactic proposal for high school with a focus on the CTS approach




pesticides, teaching proposal, CTS teaching


Pesticides, also known as pesticides or agrochemicals, are used to combat agents that damage plant growth and production. However, excessive use of the chemical substances in their composition can cause some harm to human health and the environment. Although this information is publicized, it does not clarify the effects it has on people who handle pesticides and consume contaminated products. The aim of this study is therefore to propose methodological strategies for introducing the subject into the high school curriculum, through the subject of chemistry. After a literature review to conceptually situate the CTS (Science, Technology and Society) approach in the subject in focus, we propose a didactic sequence based on the three pedagogical moments proposed by Delizoicov and Angotti (1990). With this initiative, we aim to encourage the formation of critical citizens who are committed to the society in which they live.


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Author Biographies

Alania da silva Santos, Instituto Federal Baiano- Campus Catu

Alania da Silva Santos. Licenciando em Química pelo Instituto Federal Baiano – Campus Catu. Bolsista do PIBID.

Quézia Ramos Pereira, Instituição If baiano Campus Catu

Graduating in Chemistry from the Federal Institute of Baiano – Campus Catu. PRP scholarship holder. Authorship contribution: author of the work

Neila santos dos Anjos, Instituto Federal Baiano- Campus Catu

 Licenciando em Química pelo Instituto Federal Baiano – Campus Catu. Bolsista do PRP. 

Wanderson Farias da Silva Alves, Instituto Federal Baiano- Campus Catu

Mestre em Educação em Ciências pela Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. Docente no Instituto Federal Baiano – Campus Catu. 

Rosemeire Barauna Meira de Araujo, Instituto Federal Baiano- Campus Catu

Doutora em Educação pela. Docente Instituto Federal Baiano - Campus Catu. Líder do grupo ACAD. Bolsista do CNPq, PQ1B. 


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How to Cite

Santos, A. da silva, Pereira, Q. R., Anjos, N. santos dos ., Alves, W. F. da S., & Araujo, R. B. M. de . (2023). The chemistry of pesticides: a didactic proposal for high school with a focus on the CTS approach. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-9.