The pleasure of experiencing pedagogical residency in an interdisciplinary subproject




pedagogical residency, experience report, teacher training


The present work is an experience report, based on what was experienced in the classroom with students at Colégio Estadual José Ferreira Pinto, during a period of 10 months, from November 2022 to September 2023, participating in the Pedagogical Residency (RP ). Aiming to present the report of a resident and highlight the importance of PR in teacher training. When writing this report, the position of the resident, students and preceptor will be taken into consideration. The presentation of the results is organized and subdivided into axes, in order to highlight how significant it is to participate in the Residency during the degree training process. Thus, throughout the work the resident's experience narratives will be seen in the first person. For a student who intends to teach and positively benefit from their practice as a teacher, it is essential that they take part in an institutional program such as the Pedagogical Residency, aiming to contribute to their professional identity. It is known that to be a teacher you need to have practical and theoretical knowledge and PR manages to bring together part of both, always favoring the graduate. Thinking about the issue of interdisciplinarity, which is the aim of the subproject in question, students had the opportunity to connect concepts from their area with others. This may lead to the conclusion that the Pedagogical Residency is capable of improving the teaching practice of undergraduate students and contributing to the formation of their professional identity, helping them to have more autonomy and independence, bringing this student increasingly closer to the school environment, also allowing him to move into other areas that are not always studied at undergraduate level.


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Author Biographies

Lara Gabriela Lima Barretto , UEFS

Residente do Programa Residência Pedagógica – Subprojeto interdisciplinar. Curso de Licenciatura em Química.

Assicleide Silva Brito, UEFS

Doutora em Educação em Ciências pela UNB. Docente na Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana do DEXA

Carolina de Oliveira Cerqueira Lima, UEFS

Doutora em Biotecnologia pela UFBA. Docente no Colégio Estadual José Ferreira Pinto. Perceptora no Programa Residência Pedagógica- Subprojeto Interdisciplinar – Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. 


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How to Cite

Barretto , L. G. L. ., Brito, A. S. ., & Lima, C. de O. C. (2023). The pleasure of experiencing pedagogical residency in an interdisciplinary subproject. Revista De Estudos Em Educação E Diversidade - REED, 4(11), 1-15.