Remembering and re-signifying university teaching: report of a fifteen-year-old experience
Potentially ludic-pedagogical activity, higher education, simulated jury, didactic mediationAbstract
It was presented an experience report about the Potentially Ludic-Pedagogical Activity (PLPA) Simulated Jury, proposed as methodological resource in Introductory Accounting classes at Accounting Sciences’ first semester at Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), in 2008, whose content was “Schools of Accounting thoughts and critical discussion between science and technique". After detailing the APLP, the general objective was to analyze the students’ experience report of an experience through a proposed PLPA. The specific objectives were to unveil possible student re-significations provided by a PLPA and get the students' assessment of it, their participation and learning. For this was used a qualitative investigative approach, interactionist, exploratory paradigm, with single instrumental case study as the main procedure, supported by Survey and bibliographical research. As a sample, a pilot of the mixed electronic questionnaire was applied, its data pre-analyzed in a single category by content analysis. As a result, it was observed that the Simulated Jury activity contributed to the redefinition of concepts about teaching in Higher Education, the legal universe and Accounting, as a technique or science. Regarding evaluation, participation, and learning, APLP was considered satisfactory, participatory and contributed to construct new learning, validating the objectives’ reaching for subsequent expansion.
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