Teaching, Learning, Inclusive Education, MathematicsAbstract
This article presents a teaching and learning experience in Mathematics in early childhood and elementary school 2, involving a student with Multiple Disabilities (DM) and a student with Down Syndrome (DS). A qualitative investigation, descriptive and bibliographic and documentary analysis, whose objective is to discuss classroom experiences with students with multiple disabilities. The data were produced in two moments. In the first, a bibliographic review was carried out on the topic of special education in scientific articles, books and other materials concerning this topic. In the second, the narrative about the two experiences was presented, namely, DM and SD. The theoretical framework that supports the analyzes refers to special education, inclusive education, the teaching of mathematics in special education, and others. The narrative showed results that indicated that the practices developed did not always allow the active participation of the disabled in classes, and also points out a possible way to create a more inclusive Mathematics Education.
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