HISTORY OF AFRICA AND AFRO-BRAZILIAN CULTURE: what history teachers and young students say
History teaching, Law 10.639 / 03, Training, knowledge and practicesAbstract
This text presents the final results of a dissertation that was developed in the Program of Post-graduation in Education by the Federal University of Uberlândia (PPGED / UFU). Has objective was to identify and reflect on the forms that contents related to the History of Africa and Afro-Brazilian culture have been worked in the Municipal School Machado de Assis, located in Ituiutaba-MG, Brazil. This is a qualitative research that used different instruments: the observation of history classes and the making of field notes, the technique of the focus group and an interview with the History teachers. It is believed that this research can contribute to the formation of History teachers and their practices in the classroom, especially what has been produced in the epistemological field of Law 10.639/03.
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