Black Personalities, Invisibility, Anti-racist Education, Decoloniality, CurriculumAbstract
This article aims to highlight the relevance of black personalities entering the school curriculum in order to diversify it considering that the majority of personalities and authors propagated by canons are composed of non-black subjects. The methodological path was constituted in the bibliographical survey of the works and biographies of personalities pointed out by the text, as well as in the analysis of the bibliography that deals with the curricular theme with a view to decoloniality and anti-racist Education. Understanding that the consideration with the ethnic-racial diversity is a teaching principle foreseen in the Law of Directives and Bases of the National Education nº 9.394/96, we aim, with this work, to understand the importance of this not being restricted to the speeches, but to present itself in the daily actions that are established in school spaces. To this end, we will present some examples of black personalities and their respective contributions to ratify what Gomes (2012) highlights about the need to decolonize thought and, consequently, school curricula.
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