Early Childhood Education, Teacher training, Educational Public PoliciesAbstract
The article deals with relations between public policies for expanding the supply of Early Childhood Education and favorable conditions for the teaching and learning process, including teacher training. It discusses challenges of this stage associated with the physical infrastructure of schools, didactic-pedagogical issues and financing, expanding the debate on the role and training of teachers in the political, economic and social scenario. It presents the process of repealing the National Curriculum Guidelines for Teacher Training (DCNFP) and the implementation of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Initial Teacher Training for Basic Education that establishes the Common National Base for the Initial Training of Teachers of Basic Education- BNC Training. It shows that there is a distance between the access policy and the guarantee of conditions for the teaching and learning process in early childhood education institutions and proposes the implementation of the collaboration system between the Union, States and Municipalities and the revision of new sources of financing for the education, in addition to the Fund for Maintenance and Development of Basic Education and Valorization of Education Professionals (FUNDEB). It aims to signal the mobilization of entities, unions and educators against the dismantling of public education and to guarantee educational and professional rights conquered.
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