Special Education, Inclusive education, Decree nº 10.502/2020, Human rightsAbstract
In this article, we problematize the assumptions of Decree No. 10.502/2020, by the Jair Messias Bolsonaro government, which institutes the “Special Education Policy: equitable, inclusive and with lifelong learning”. Indeed, the general objective of this study is to critically analyze the content of Decree No. 10.502 / 2020, demonstrating its inconsistencies and incompatibilities with the achievements of Human Rights Education in the Brazilian scenario, especially in the last two decades. The following question invites us to reflect: what political-pedagogical intentions are present, even if implicitly, in Decree nº 10.502/2020 with implications for Special/Inclusive Education? With regard to methodological aspects, it is characterized as a qualitative study, with a documentary and bibliographic approach, based on a critical-interpretative analysis of the general provisions, principles, objectives and guidelines present in Decree No. 10.502/2020. In this way, we carried out problematizations, considerations and arguments that corroborate the setbacks of this “new policy” as an affront to human rights and legal guarantees achieved by the target audience of Special / Inclusive Education in the national educational scenario. It is concluded that the “new policy” instituted by the Federal Government is the materialization of the return to the segregationist and exclusionary proposals that mark the history of Special Education in Brazil, although revised in new guises and configurations.
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