Formation of Consciousness, Organization, Education, StruggleAbstract
The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) have its own conception of formation and training and the purpose of this article is to present and discuss the elementary basis of this processes. The MST Organization understand that everyone in the social basis of the movement must be trained to be able to face day-by-day class struggle. Our analysis is based on MST (2009) as well as on authors such as Iasi (1999), Santos (2007), Bogo (2011) and Marx (1975). Our discussion captures the conscience building as a constitutive process for MST, emphasizing the used tactics and methodologies. We also highlight the permanent challenges to maintain the process alive. It is clear that the movement training rely and is intrinsically attached to the current workers production and re-production of life conditions. This constitutive principle of MST is a permanent mobilization flagship and a fundamental element to intervene in the reality and consequently transform it. Therefore, the movement understand education itself as a constant transforming process driven to the building of a new society project. The MST accumulated experience on social movement training point out new education possibilities, strongly attached to the social participation and oriented to a new society preparation.
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