Field Education, Righttoeducation, Closingof rural schools, Paraiba’s CaririAbstract
The present work is the result of the research to conclude the degree course in Field Education, whose object of study was the public power actions and the community in the schools’ closure in the Sumé city, Paraiba State, Brazil. The dialectical approach contributed to understand the actions carried out in the process of closure and resistance, based on the procedures of document analysis and interviews with the subjects directly in the process. For an information analysis, connecting the content analysis (BARDIN, 2011), which contributed to identify the part of the public power to highlight the economic benefits to maintain schools with few students in the field, the pedagogical argument that the serial school at the city's headquarters, the quality of learning improves and the argument for the school’s closure as a solution to extinguish multiserial classes. In relation to communities, we identified actions to question closure as something natural, the view of the school in the community as a right and the understanding of the school as a collective space of cultural, social and affective experience for the community.
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