Critical Education, Ideology in the Education, Schoolar Domination, Dialogic Discourse Theory, bourAbstract
This article discusses the place of ideological ideas in Brazilian classrooms. Therefore, the argumentation will begin in the adversarial position of two notional fronts concerning the issue: the first will be Critical Education, understanding of human doing as ideological, while the second is the Ideologization of Education, defender of the educating praxis as neutral and neutralizing. Beforehand, this discussion is clarified as a fiduciary of the Dialogic Theory of Discourse, which defends human actions as signs and of these as ideological materiality. Therefore, assuming this theoretical current, we also turn to Freire (2011) to support the place of ideology in the school experience, arguing not only its presence, but its effects, since the crux of the question should be whether the oriented ideology to schools promotes inclusion and citizenship or marginalization and violence. Therefore, according to the epistemologies of Bakhtin (1990) and Volochinov (1988) on ideology, and of Bourdieu (1989) and Saint Martin (2003) on school, it is intended to unveil the fallacy of the Neutrality Paradigm and its harmful effects to school training. On the other hand, it will advocate a formative-critical praxis aimed at the collective construction of a citizen societal statute, in opposition to the imposing school experiences of normative models obedient to the status quo ratifying perverse social asymmetries.
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