Estágio Supervisionado, Licenciatura em Música, Ensino RemotoAbstract
Through this experience report, the text intends to discuss issues related to the feasibility and applicability of the supervised internship in music held remotely, from the activities developed in the Supervised Internship II component of the UEFS degree in music course, reflecting on its benefits and challenges for teacher training. The text addresses the curricular and administrative program of the music internship at the university, in addition it emphasizes how the execution of remote activities was regulated by the university and how the supervised internships were inserted in this context. The experience presented is about the routine of group of internships class held in a non-school context in the online classes scenario, whose theoretical contribution is an outline of the themes worked in the curricular component, highlighting the music teaching in a non-school education, such as socio-musical and university extension. It was possible to verify that a significant part of the teaching and learning processes in the internship fulfilled its objectives. Therefore, it is correct to state that the practice developed throughout this process contributed to the studying performance, nonetheless we understand that it does not replace the classroom experience, being a possible path within the different ways of learning and teaching.
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