Pedagogy of autonomy, Non-Formal Education, Non-School EducationAbstract
The presence of Paulo Freire in brazilian education transcends the school space, in a way that makes it present in many diverse contexts. In the specific case of non-school spaces, be them social projects, associations, non-governmental organizations or militant territories, the educator, armed with a pedagogy of autonomy, will never make themselves impartial, although always in a rigorously ethical position. Having the ethnographic perspective as a base, the notion of Non-Formal Education and the thinking of Paulo Freire, this research sought to reflect, based on a case study, the possibilities of the pedagogue’s role for beyond the school space, at Ponto de Leitura, a social project in Amargosa - Bahia - Brazil. Participating observations, semi-structured interviews and notes in a field journal were carried out. From the lived experience of this project, it was possible to notice how much the presence of a pedagogue in spaces of non-formal education is important. It was observed that the founder of the organization developed a methodology of her own by giving an identity to the popular and liberatory project very much different from a traditional profile. All of her pedagogic work is intertwined with the interpersonal relationships with the children inside and outside of the project, as well as the incentive to read and comprehend the world.
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