Transtornos psicológicos, Vivência, Aprendizagem, AdoecimentoAbstract
This investigation proposed to analyze the implications of Borderline Personality Disorder in the academic trajectory of higher education students, observing coping situations in their formative trajectory, as well as the limits and possibilities. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, in the form of a case study, the History of Life represented a more detailed description of a certain period: the academic experience in higher education. The participant was selected from a survey carried out by the Center for Accessibility and Inclusion of People with Disabilities - NAIPD, of the State University of Southwest Bahia - UESB, of students who presented a report proving the disorder and were assisted by the student assistance services of institution. Using the narrative interview, the participant, through a Diary, narrated significant situations in her trajectory, as well as her understanding as a Border subject. The analysis of this narrative allowed us to identify that the behavioral characteristics presented corresponded to those of a Borderline individual: dissociative state or depersonalization, loneliness, signs of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The importance of the teacher's role in helping and welcoming these students, as well as the forms of assessment, were also identified as significant points in the student's academic trajectory. Finally, it is clear that mental illness has its challenges, but it also has its victories: overcoming difficulties and the desire to find oneself and be someone who can contribute responsibly inside and outside the university.
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