Imagination, Creation, Historical-Cultural Theory, L.S. VygotskyAbstract
Theorizations about the genesis of the process of organizing the conscious activity of human beings are a mark in the writings of L. S. Vigotski (1896-1934). In the course of the development of consciousness, imagination – understood as a complex activity – is characterized as a psychological system of interfunctional relationships that occupies a central position and gains specific contours throughout ontogenesis. In this article, we review the Vygotskian work with the aim of analyzing the development and contours of imaginative processes throughout childhood and adolescence (ontogenetic periods studied by the author). We argue that the human condition, essentially and ontologically, is linked to imaginative processes, as by creating intentional strategies for survival and action on nature, the individual becomes capable of operating psychically through the production, reproduction and creation of images.
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