Make closer ties, reduce distances and teach languages in a remote context




KEYWORDS: Language teaching and learning; Virtual environment; Experience report.


ABSTRACT: In this article, I intend to share the solutions that I have experienced in my practice as a higher education teacher, especially in relation to the change in behavior that was required and imposed around the teaching of languages and literature, as a result, fundamentally, of the distances imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. I wish to discuss the issue of language teaching from an online perspective, from three aspects - the virtual environment, university teaching, tests in the academic context. Challenged by unfamiliar terms, I made myself a subject of the new times: 'I went back to school' with the aim of getting to know the virtual classrooms and everything else around them - it was either that or staying in a world with almost no technology applied to the teaching-learning experiences. As a result of this experience, I see a long way to go, especially regarding the conditions of a significant portion of students without any access to the tools of digital environments, which means that 'new times' tend to increase the number of excluded from process in question (CAMACHO et al., 2020).


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Author Biography

Grace dos Anjos Freire Bandeira, Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Ufam)

Doutora em Letras pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Professora da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Ufam). Coordenadora do Projeto de Pesquisa "Cartas dos séculos XIX e XX: organização de um corpus diacrônico do português registrado no Amazonas no período áureo da borracha", com apoio da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes).




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How to Cite

Bandeira, G. dos A. F. . (2022). Make closer ties, reduce distances and teach languages in a remote context. fólio - Revista De Letras, 14(1).