Alphabetic Writing: System, Representation and Notation




Literacy, Alphabetic writing, Linguistic


In the literacy process, it is crucial to understand the nature of alphabetic writing in Portuguese as a system, representation, and notation in order not to reduce it to a code. Therefore, it is relevant to comprehend each of these concepts and also their relationship in the constitution of this writing. Starting from a bibliographic research, the objective is to conceptually delineate the notions of system, representation, and notation, articulating them to alphabetic writing from a linguistic perspective. For this purpose, the relationship between language, speech, orality, and writing is discussed, based on Saussurean thought; from a linguistic perspective, the concept of system is presented and applied to Portuguese writing; explaining ideographic and phonographic writing, the notion of graphic representation of orality is discussed; finally, the concept of notation is defined, explaining why it is not appropriate to consider alphabetic writing as a code. Thus, it is argued that, in the initial learning process of written Portuguese, it is important to consider the intimate interaction between system, representation, and notation not only to understand its nature but also to comprehend students' difficulties and, thus, to plan coherent and suitable pedagogical actions for writing learning. Additionally, it is also considered that the literacy process involves not only the acquisition of writing but also its use in real literacy practices.


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Author Biography

Hermes Talles dos Santos Brunieri, UFPB

Graduado em Letras (2009), Mestre (2011) e Doutor (2017) em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar). Atuou como professor de língua portuguesa na Educação Básica e, também, como formador de professores no Estado de São Paulo. Atualmente é professor da área de Linguagens e Ensino do Departamento de Metodologia, do Centro de Educação, da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), onde atua, principalmente, no curso de licenciatura em Pedagogia.


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How to Cite

Brunieri, H. T. dos S. (2024). Alphabetic Writing: System, Representation and Notation. Língu@ Nostr@, 12(1), 131-151.



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