


Active methodologies, Brazilian education, Collaborative learning


This article aims to analyze the progress of the use of active methodologies in Brazilian education, and its most used methods. Based on the fact that Brazilian educators are familiar with Paulo Freire's pedagogical thinking, with a focus on combining students' knowledge and coexistence with the basis for teaching, a method that converges with the active teaching methodology, where the incentive to sharing between teacher/student in the protagonism in the teaching process. A brief description of the methods described in the research was elaborated as a way to improve the understanding of their use. The applied methodology was a bibliographical review, in the Scopus database related to the period from 2017 to 2021, based on the delimitation of the period encompassing before the isolation until the full return of school activities; only articles with the description of the method and the result of its application and the identification of the group of students or people were accepted. The result showed that in the period the methodology was widely used in higher education, highlighting the health area, as well as the method problem-based learning was the most used, even covering the period of social isolation, the study did not bring data on this impact.


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Author Biographies

Ricardo, Instituto Federal do Paraná IFPR, Paraná, Brasil


Carlos Ernani Fries, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil

Graduated in Civil Engineering (1980), master's (1985) and doctorate (2013) in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, working at the Department of Production and Systems Engineering. He acts as an undergraduate professor of undergraduate courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Production Engineering, as well as an accredited professor of the Graduate Program in Production Engineering in the area of ​​Operations Management. He has experience in the field of Production Engineering, with emphasis on Operational Research in Logistics and Manufacturing, working mainly on the following topics: efficiency analysis, data envelopment analysis, studies on productivity, design of manufacturing systems, business games, theory of decision among others


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How to Cite

Suzuki, R., & Fries, C. E. . (2023). ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES: A SURVEY ON THEIR USE IN BRAZIL. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 12(02), 190-204.