Conceptual vignettes for teaching didactics of Mathematics




Concept cartoons, Teaching of didactics, Research results, Teacher training


We explored the potential of a sequence of conceptual vignettes for the teaching and learning of research findings related to understanding the equals sign in algebraic entry. We designed a sequence of three conceptual vignettes based on empirical evidence adapted for teaching research findings. In their fourth and final year of a teaching program at a teacher training institute in Uruguay, a class group comprising five students specialising in mathematics education participated. We implemented the sequence of conceptual vignettes in a 120-minute working session with the entire group. The participants demonstrated progress in understanding that specific interpretations of the equals sign can interfere with learning algebra. The sequence of conceptual vignettes facilitated the understanding of research findings regarding the comprehension of the equals sign in algebraic entry. Further studies are required to delve deeper into this line of research.


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Author Biography

Cristina Ochoviet, Consejo de Formación en Educación, Montevideo, Uruguay

Posdoctorado en Ciencias Sociales (UNC, Argentina), Doctora en Matemática Educativa
(IPN, México), Máster en Promoción de la Lectura y Literatura Infantil (Universidad de
Castilla-La Mancha, España). Especialización docente de nivel superior en narración oral
escénica (Instituto de Educación Superior Rodolfo Walsh, Argentina). Especialización en
Lectura, Escritura y Educación (F LACSO , Argentina), Licenciada en Educación (UNQ,
Argentina), Profesora de Matemática (IPA, Uruguay), Investigadora en Ciencias Sociales
(SNI, Nivel I). Profesora efectiva de Didáctica de la Matemática (IPA).


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How to Cite

Ochoviet, C., & Escobal, S. P. (2024). Conceptual vignettes for teaching didactics of Mathematics. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 13(01), 386-413.