Interventions of the political and pedagogical humanist-christian tradition in the Santa Fe region (Argentina) between 1950 and 1983. Contributions to its analysis in times of authoritarianism




Christianity, Humanism, Third Worldism, Priests, Santa Fe, Recent Argentina


The writing exercise in these lines responds to a specific call for papers for a thematic dossier on memory and history, culture and education in authoritarian contexts. An opportunity to think, organize and organize ideas, readings and dialogues that are part of a complex network of circulation of ideas through actors and institutions in the South American space. The world of ideas and their circulation are the necessary coordinates to investigate the construction of meanings, experiences and resistances around the worker-student identity in a defined space and time. The proposal is to stop our gaze in terms of a medium-term perspective that we can define as part of a Christian humanist programme – on the basis of an abundant academic bibliography on the subject – that is taking shape at different stages and particularly after the Second World War. In these lines, the reader is presented with an approximation as a way of trajectory of a set of experiences, debates and actors of the ecclesiastical galaxy in the city of Santa Fe and the metropolitan region between 1950 and the return to democracy in 1983. A first shared hypothesis is the diversity of interventions that materialize in the city at two well-differentiated moments - albeit in the same political cycle characterized by growing authoritarianism.


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Author Biography

Juan Cruz Gimenez, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Juan Cruz Giménez is a professor and graduate in History (UNL), Master in Social Sciences (UNL), categorized researcher and Head of Practical Work in Argentine History I and Argentine History II, Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences (UNL) . Doctoral student in Social Studies FHUC UNL. Head of Practical Work of the Argentine Institutional History chair at the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences (UNL). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for the Study of Social Discourses (CEDiS, UNL). Teacher at ISP 6 of Coronda in charge of the History department (2022 – 2024). He has participated in various academic meetings as organizer, coordinator, speaker, rapporteur and lecturer. He has published various works in academic meetings, in refereed magazines and book chapters. Among his publications, the coordination – in collaboration – of Auroras in the province stands out. Educational projects and pedagogical discourses in Santa Fe teacher training (2011); Politics in educational plots (2017); Mantovani Symphony. Polyphony of an intellectual between education and politics (2022). He is the author of Virado a sepia. Politics and education in Santa Fe in the 1930s (2021). Co-author of Time for Reforms. Health and Education in Santa Fe (1932-1935) UNL editions (2024). He works as an assistant to the Argentine and Latin American History seminar, Politics and education in the mirror of Santa Fe history.


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How to Cite

Gimenez, J. C. (2024). Interventions of the political and pedagogical humanist-christian tradition in the Santa Fe region (Argentina) between 1950 and 1983. Contributions to its analysis in times of authoritarianism. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 13(01), 264-287.