The article presents the (trans)feminist “live streaming” phenomenon in the context of the SarsCoV-2 pandemic in Brazil, in dialogue with the theoretical reference in four dimensions: cyberculture at the city-ciberspace interface; cyberfeminism as practices of the feminist explosion; Queer/Crip theory; critical multiletraments. The methodology was ethnography in cyberculture understood as a dense descriptive practice, in which the field provides paths for a practice implied with the events, in which we map and participate in lives, during May and June 2020, describing them in dialogue with the theoretical framework. We found that lives are expressions of cyberfeminism, that is, (trans)feminist events and practices with the use of networked digital technologies for the exercise of their activism; they extrapolate the space of synchronous communication between peers, reaching different audiences; they present didactic communication of scientific content; they are effective cultural artifacts and potential curriculum artifacts; when recorded (asynchronous) they can be used in other online environments; they are configured as formative environments and learning networks in which critical multilements are mobilized. We conclude that cyberfeminist practices contribute to political formation, identity building, empowerment and strengthening of policies for social and cultural inclusion of women in our time., Cyberfeminism, Lives, Critical Multilingualism, CybercultureAbstract
The article presents the (trans)feminist “live streaming” phenomenon in the context of the SarsCoV-2 pandemic in Brazil, in dialogue with the theoretical reference in four dimensions: cyberculture at the city-ciberspace interface; cyberfeminism as practices of the feminist explosion; Queer/Crip theory; critical multiletraments. The methodology was ethnography in cyberculture understood as a dense descriptive practice, in which the field provides paths for a practice implied with the events, in which we map and participate in lives, during May and June 2020, describing them in dialogue with the theoretical framework. We found that lives are expressions of cyberfeminism, that is, (trans)feminist events and practices with the use of networked digital technologies for the exercise of their activism; they extrapolate the space of synchronous communication between peers, reaching different audiences; they present didactic communication of scientific content; they are effective cultural artifacts and potential curriculum artifacts; when recorded (asynchronous) they can be used in other online environments; they are configured as formative environments and learning networks in which critical multilements are mobilized. We conclude that cyberfeminist practices contribute to political formation, identity building, empowerment and strengthening of policies for social and cultural inclusion of women in our time.
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