


This writing seeks to describle the thought Elizabeth Macedo in texts referrings to the National Curriculum Common Core (BNCC). In it I will weave interpretations on the following texts: 1) “National Curriculum Common Core: new forms of sociability producing meanings for education”, (MACEDO, 2014); 2) , National Curriculum Common Core, Dialogue, Significant, Elizabeth Macedo


This writing seeks to describle the thought Elizabeth Macedo in texts referrings to the National Curriculum Common Core (BNCC). In it I will weave interpretations on the following texts:  1) “National Curriculum Common Core: new forms of sociability producing meanings for education”, (MACEDO, 2014); 2) " National Curriculum Common Core: the false opposition between knowledge to do something and knowledge itself”, (MACEDO, 2016); 3) “The conservative demands of the partyless school movement and the National Curriculum Common Core”, (MACEDO, 2017); 4) “‘The base is the base’. And what is the curriculum?”, (MACEDO, 2018); e 5) “Making the basis become reality: competence and the germ of comparison”, (MACEDO, 2019). What I seek starting in the thinking Macedo, it is to situate the political agents that have acted in the attempt to hegemonization of a base on the pretext of more quality in education and social justice. The central point is to think, since the base has been implemented, her senses, and how the researcher's writings unfolded between the years 2014 to 2019 in an attempt to present the signifiers to the BNCC.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. (2020). THE COMMON NATIONAL CURRICULAR BASE: A DIALOGUE WITH ELIZABETH MACEDO. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 9(02), 123-135.