Literacy for reading teaching and learning in Mozambique: from the multilingual context to the emergence of an impending inclusive education




literacy, reading, inclusive education, desenvolvimento sustentável


This paper aims to discuss the issue of literacy in learning of reading for students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in the context of Inclusive Education in Mozambique. The assumption of the present study is that the bet on literacy events, the exposure to pleasant reading of the student's print interest, contributes to the learning of reading in Portuguese (l2), considering the multilingual context of Portuguese's coexistence with other native languages from bantu origin. This work does not claim to exhaust the subject, but contribute to an open and frank reflection on reading and therefore, on the quality of education in the context of inclusion, based on a selected bibliographic that is contemporary for the issue under discussion. In five sections, the text presents the foundations that justify our claim, situating the Portuguese language in teaching and presenting some basic concepts, ending with the presentation of some final considerations of the discussions developed throughout the text.



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Author Biography

Gilberto Necas Mucambe Milice, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane - Moçambique

Moçambicano, doutorando em Linguística pela UEM, docente de Técnicas de Expressão e Comunicação em Língua Portuguesa, na Escola Superior de Ciências Náuticas e coordenador de projectos de apetrechamento de bibliotecas e de incentivo à leitura no Fundo Bibliográfico de Língua Portuguesa, em Moçambique. Contribuição de autoria: autor.


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How to Cite

MILICE, G. N. M. Literacy for reading teaching and learning in Mozambique: from the multilingual context to the emergence of an impending inclusive education. Revista Educação em Páginas, Vitória da Conquista, v. 1, p. e11268 , 2022. DOI: 10.22481/redupa.v1.11268. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.