The colonization of knowledge: reflections on education in colonial Brazil
cologne, teaching, jesuits, pombaline reformAbstract
This text aims to raise some reflections on the history of Brazilian education, in particular on the first teaching concepts developed in the country. Based on the idea that Brazilian school education, since the colonial period, was developed as a way to help and reinforce the European colonizing project, I highlight brief considerations on how, through school education, an exclusionary social configuration was formed. I realize that the Eurocentric colonialist model acted actively in the colonization of knowledge and thought. Thus, not only under the territorial domain, the school education developed in the country helped in the incorporation of norms and social values imposed by the Europeans. An analysis that helps to understand the continuities and ruptures in school teaching at the present time, as well as serving to reflect on the role of education and the expectations built on it in our time.
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