Diversity, Favela pedagogies, Urban OutskirtsAbstract
Favelas are territories historically marked by the denial of rights, but they are also locus of rich sociocultural diversity. In these contexts, schools have the transformative potential of contributing to the construction of more equitable societies. Thus, when questioning which elements should make up the curricular practices committed to social transformation in favela communities, this paper aims to present a pedagogical perspective with an emancipatory and decolonizing bias critically centered on the cultural, identity, historical and epistemological constructions of communities of slums. For that, starting from bibliographic analysis and presenting results of monographic research carried out with public school students and teachers, some relevant sociocultural elements are discussed to be included in educational pedagogical practices. As a result, the article identifies elements necessary for the construction of emancipatory and decolonizing pedagogical perspectives, committed to social transformation based on the culture of the people in the favelas, recognizing their potential and contradictions from the horizontal dialogue with the local community and social movements representing the popular longings.
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