critical education, student engagement, sociopolitical action, socioscientific issuesAbstract
When we resume studies that have focused on the search for understanding the processes that led to the vision of science as the dominant knowledge in modern Western societies, we find that, historically, young people have not been recognized as agents of production of valid and legitimate knowledge in the face of environmental challenges in their schools and communities. Aiming to broaden our reflection about the potential of schools in the transforming exercise of socio-environmental conditions, we will dedicate ourselves to discuss the potential of the convergence of emancipatory and critical perspectives of environmental education, science teaching, and intercultural education in promoting student engagement. Given the above, we consider that a promising way to operationalize the concept of sustainable school, as far as the curriculum dimension is concerned, is through the approach of socio-environmental problems in a perspective that brings together science education oriented towards socio-political action, through an approach of CTSA relations by means of the QSCs approach; Environmental education in its emancipatory aspect, which is based on a broader vision of science, by overcoming the uncritical naturalistic approach; and intercultural education, by promoting the dialogue of knowledge and the problematization of power relations between them.
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